Shoutmeloud Thesis Theme Customization - Part 6

I would like to start the tutorial straight away because it's not going to be a cake walk unless your a webmaster like me (just kidding). I guess this was the most awaited customization "SML Featured Content Slider" that every SML blogger theme user wanted to have! I tried my best to match the one on SML however, it's little different from the ideal one! Check out the live demo below...


Before I start off, I would like to tell you that this slider will auto slide until an user clicks on the content (the page navigation in the slider). It works with only one script which implies that it's gonna load faster than other sliders. Well, enough of stories... Let's get started!

1. Navigate to "Design>>Edit HTML" and make a backup of your template by clicking on the "Download full template" link at the top of the page. Once the back up is over, search for the following piece of code.
2. Download the following text document (includes the CSS and JavaScript to run the widget) - CODE FOR SML FEATURED CONTENT SLIDER. Replace the above code with the code present in the text document.
3. Next, search for the following piece of code on your template.
<div id='main-wrapper'>
4. Place the following code just below the line mentioned at step 3.
<div class='sliderwrapper' id='slider1'>

<div class='contentdiv'>
<a href='YOUR POST URL'><h1>YOUR POST TITLE</h1></a>
Content 1 Here.

<div class='contentdiv'>
<a href='YOUR POST URL'><h1>YOUR POST TITLE</h1></a>
Content 2 Here.

<div class='contentdiv'>
<a href='YOUR POST URL'><h1>YOUR POST TITLE</h1></a>
Content 3 Here.

<div class='contentdiv'>
<a href='YOUR POST URL'><h1>YOUR POST TITLE</h1></a>
Content 4 Here.

<div class='contentdiv'>
<a href='YOUR POST URL'><h1>YOUR POST TITLE</h1></a>
Content 5 Here.

<div class='pagination' id='paginate-slider1'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
id: &quot;slider1&quot;, //id of main slider DIV
contentsource: [&quot;inline&quot;, &quot;&quot;], //Valid values: [&quot;inline&quot;, &quot;&quot;] or [&quot;ajax&quot;, &quot;path_to_file&quot;]
toc: &quot;#increment&quot;, //Valid values: &quot;#increment&quot;, &quot;markup&quot;, [&quot;label1&quot;, &quot;label2&quot;, etc]
nextprev: [&quot;Previous&quot;, &quot;Next&quot;], //labels for &quot;prev&quot; and &quot;next&quot; links. Set to &quot;&quot; to hide.
enablefade: [true, 0.2], //[true/false, fadedegree]
autorotate: [true, 3000], //[true/false, pausetime]
onChange: function(previndex, curindex){ //event handler fired whenever script changes slide
//previndex holds index of last slide viewed b4 current (1=1st slide, 2nd=2nd etc)
//curindex holds index of currently shown slide (1=1st slide, 2nd=2nd etc)
5. Save the template and your done!!!

Simple! Isn't it? Well, if you think it is, may be your wrong. The actual tutorial starts here! First, write your post title in between the "H1" tags (those highlighted in green). In other words, replace "YOUR POST TITLE" with your post title and don't forget to link it. Replace "YOUR POST URL" with the link to your post. 

Secondly, you need to replace "Content 1 Here" with the snippet available on your blog. Well, the coding will display anything that's under the heaven in the space that's provided for it. Well, coming back to business, it's better if you could find the coding from your "Blogger Post Editor" for every snippet for the featured content. 

Say, for example (from the demo blog), I wish to add "Review On Cannon Power G9" as a featured content on my slider. The first thing I should do is, navigate to "Posting >> Edit Posts" and select the "Edit" link of the corresponding post. In my case, I should select the "Edit" link for "Review On Cannon Power G9". Now, shift the tab from the "Compose" mode to 'Edit HTML" mode. 

Get the coding for the first paragraph of your article with the styles you chose to display the original post. That's it! Paste it instead of "Content 1 Here" in the coding mentioned at step 4. But, please ensure that your "div" or "span" tags are properly closed before you paste the coding and save them!

You may repeat the above mentioned steps for replacing the other contents in the coding mentioned at step 4. Little confused??? Well, just have a look at the example coding given below. The final coding should look something like the one mentioned in this text document - Example Code For SML Featured Content Slider.

I hope the tutorial was an easy fix! If you have any difficulties in getting the slider work or find any bugs, then please let me know via comments! I'll try to fix them! Your opinions about the widget are also welcome! So, share them too!

Shoutmeloud Thesis Theme Customization - Part 5

We are constantly working on our SML blogger theme and updating the same to match the original WP version created by Harsh Agarwal. In our previous article - Part 4, we explained about the link hover effect and block-quotes section while this article deals with the tag section along with the inclusion of a Numbered Page Navigation widget similar to SML. Excited to add this to your existing SML theme?

Check out the live demo of the above mentioned hacks : LIVE DEMO

So, let's get started. We'll first add the tag section beneath our posts similar to SML. To do so, first navigate to "Design>>Edit HTML" and make a backup of your template by clicking on the "Download full template" link at the top of the page.
1. Once the back up is over, expand your template and search for the following block of code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div stlye='font-family:Times New Roman; font-size:16px; font-color:#A91B33;'><br/>For Further Reading,
<div style='display:none;'><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'>,</b:if><b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<script expr:src='&quot;/feeds/posts/default/-/&quot; + +   &quot;?alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=related_results_labels&amp;max-results=5&quot;' type='text/javascript'/></b:if></b:loop></div>
<script type='text/javascript'> removeRelatedDuplicates(); printRelatedLabels(); </script></div></b:if>
2. Place the following piece of code just below the block of code mentioned in step 1.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<span class='post-labels'>
<b:if cond='data:post.labels'>
<span style='width=100px; float:left; margin-top:3px;'>Tagged as : </span><b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'><span class='new-labels' style='background-color: #006699; color: #FFFFFF; line-height: 30px;     text-decoration: none; float:left; display:block; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; width:auto; margin-left:5px;'><a expr:href='data:label.url' rel='tag'><></a></span><b:if cond='data:label.isLast != &quot;true&quot;'/>
3. Next, look for the following code.
4. Place the following piece of code ( CSS part) just above the line mentioned in step 3.
.new-labels a{
background-color: #006699;
color: #fff;
text-decoration: none;
5. That's it!!! Save your template.

"The block type labels or tag section will be visible only the post pages. So, check out your individual articles rather than the homepage."

Let's move to the next tutorial on adding the page navigation to SML blogger theme. The hack is pretty similar to the one you installed above - addition of CSS and a script to work out the coding. Just make a backup of your template as explained earlier in the post. Later, follow these steps.
1. Search for the following piece of code.
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>
2. Place the code present in this text document - SML Page Navigation Script, just below the line mentioned in step 1.
3. Search for the following code in your template and remove/delete it.
#blog-pager-newer-link{ float:left; display:inline}
#blog-pager-older-link{ float:right; display:inline; margin-right:-20px}
#blog-pager{ text-align:center; display:inline}
.blog-pager a:link, .blog-pager a:visited{ display:block; float:left; padding:6px 10px; text-align:center; background:#888; color:#FFF; font-size:12px; font-weight:bold; margin-right:8px}
.blog-pager a:hover{ background:#444; color:#FFF}
4. Next, search for the following piece of code.
5. Add the following piece of code ( CSS part) just above the line mentioned in step 4.
#blog-pager-newer-link{float:left; display:inline;}
#blog-pager-older-link{float:right; display:inline; }
#blog-pager{display:inline; text-align:center;width:632px;margin-left:200px;padding:4px 0px;margin-top:5px;margin-right:0px;margin-bottom:0px;}
.showpageOf{margin:0 8px 0 0;padding:3px 7px;color:#fff;font:15px helvetica;background:#007EC4;border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border:1px solid #007EC4;}
.showpageArea{margin:10px 0;font:15px helvetica;color:#007EC4}
.showpageNum a{font:15px helvetica;padding:3px 7px;margin:0 4px;text-decoration:none;background:#007EC4;color:#fff;border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;border:1px solid #007EC4;}
.showpageNum a:hover{color:#007EC4;background:#FFF;border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px;border:1px solid #007EC4;}
.showpage a{font:15px helvetica;padding:3px 7px;margin:0 4px;text-decoration:none;background:#007EC4;color:#fff;border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border:1px solid #007EC4;}
.showpage a:hover{color:#007EC4;background:#fff;border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border:1px solid #007EC4;}
.showpagePoint{color:#fff;font:bold 15px helvetica;padding:2px 7px;margin:2px;border-radius: 4px 4px 4px 4px; border:2px solid #fff;background:#007EC4;text-decoration:none}
Note: You may change the font-style by changing the code highlighted in green. You may decrease or increase the border radius for rounded corners (More About Rounder Corners Using CSS3) by changing the code highlighted in orange.
6. Save your template! That's it!

Please share your opinions about the customizations which you want to have on the template as well as comment on the customizations that we post. See you soon in another interesting article!

Shoutmeloud Thesis Theme Customization - Part 4

It's been quite some time we posted about the customizations on Shoutmeloud thesis theme. So, we thought to provide one now. If you had missed the earlier series, then I recommend you to check out the various parts here - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. Well, this post deals with the issues related to block quotes and the text background color on hover in the post area.

Still confused about the changes which I highlighted earlier in this post? Just take a look at the following pictures to understand what changes have me made to the template and what will you achieve by following the tutorial in this post.
I think you now have an idea about the modifications we made on the template. You may check out the live demo about this hack on this article here - LIVE DEMO. So, let's get started with the tutorial on installing these effects on your blog. Navigate to "Design>>Edit HTML" and make a backup of your template by clicking on the "Download full template" link at the top of the page.

1. Once the back up is over, search for the following piece of code.
.post blockquote{
margin:0 25px 15px;
padding:10px 20px 0 15px;
border-top:1px solid #DDD;
border-right:1px solid #666;
border-left:1px solid #DDD;
border-bottom:1px solid #666
2. Replace the above block of code with the following piece of code.
.post blockquote{
background: url("") no-repeat scroll 5px 0 transparent;
font-size: 14px !important;
padding: 0 30px;
border-left: 0 none;
color: #9E9E9E;
font-style: italic;
margin: 2px 0 13px;
3. Save your template. That's it! Pretty simple, isn't it?

To make the block quotes actually work on your template, you need to use them in your posts. To do so, just mark the text which you want to appear as quotes and press the "Quote" icon -block-quote-on-blogger-post-editor-on the blogger post editor. That's it.

1. Search for the following piece of code.
2. Place the following piece of code just above the line mentioned in step 1.
.pos-links a {
text-decoration: underline;
.pos-links a:hover {
text-decoration: none;
background-color: #0F4F7E;
color: #FFF;
.pos-links img{
text-decoration: none;
background-color: #FFF;}
.pos-links img:hover{
text-decoration: none;
background-color: #FFF;}
3. Save your template.
4. Navigate to your "Settings>>Formatting" page. Scroll down to the end of that page. In the field which says "Post Template", you will find an empty box next to it. Just paste the following code in that empty space.
<div class="pos-links">
5. Save your settings by hitting the "Save Settings" tab at the end.

By default, the upcoming articles on your blog will have the link hover effect. If you wish to have the same for your previous articles as well, then you need to edit your posts... However, you just need to add only only one tag at the start and end it at the last. So, it shouldn't be a tedious job provided you have lesser number of posts on your blog.

To edit your posts and have the link hover effect on your previous entries, navigate to "Posting>>Edit Posts" page and select the article which you want to edit. Just simply add the following tag at the start of the article.
<div class="pos-links">
Scroll to the end of your article. Close the div tag by adding the following tag at the end of your article.
That's it!! Nothing else!!!

If you wonder why I did not change the CSS for the post section and I went on with the alternate method to add individual div tags on each article, well the answer is simple. If I add these hover effects to the post section, then the images, social bookmarking icons above the posts, about the author widget and everything that comes under the post section will get affected. So, the only solution was to add the tags individually to the post.

I hope you understood the reason behind adding individual tags to each post. If you have any other alternative method, then let me know and we can discuss about that. Your opinions are always welcome - share it via comments. See you soon with another interesting customization!

Shoutmeloud Thesis Theme Customization - Part 3

Hi friends! I have been receiving a lot of comments and emails ever since the launch of Shoutmeloud thesis theme. Few people said that the read more hack does not work. To all those who faced the same problem, you just need to use the blogger's "Updated Post Editor" and hit the "Insert jump break" icon. To know where that icon is, have a look at the following picture.
If you wish to have an automatic read more hack for your blog, that is, if you are not comfortable with the manual hack, then read the following article to install the automatic version - Automatic Read More Hack For Blogger With Thumbnails. However, there is one main drawback with this widget. The hack crushed the image which makes the thumbnail next to the snippet look worse. So, if you are ready to sacrifice the quality of image being displayed on the thumbnail, well you can go for this hack. However, I recommend manual hack because I use manual hack on my blog:)

Well, coming to the objective of this post, I plan to provide the coding for the subscription widget. It is pretty simple to add this widget on your blog. Requires little customization but very easy to add. So, let's begin with the installation. 

1. Navigate to "Design >> Page Elements" from your blogger dashboard. Now, hit the "Add a gadget" tab and choose "HTML/JavaScript". You will notice that a new window opens up, enter the following text - Receive Free Updates as the title text.
2. For the content part of the widget, just copy the following code and paste it below the space available.
<form style="padding-top:6px;" id="subscribe" action="" method="post" target="popupwindow" onsubmit="'', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true">
<input type="text" value="Enter your email address..." id="subbox" onfocus="if (this.value == &#39;Enter your email address...&#39;) {this.value = &#39;&#39;;}" onblur="if (this.value == &#39;&#39;) {this.value = &#39;Enter your email address...&#39;;}" name="email" style="width:170px;" />
<input type="hidden" value="EverythingAboutBlogging" name="uri" />
<input type="hidden" name="loc" value="en_US" />
<input style="
        border: 1px solid #198DC9;
        cursor: pointer;
        -moz-border-radius: 15px 15px 15px 15px;
        background-color: #198DC9;;
        color: #FFFFFF;
        font: normal 15px Times New Roman;"
type="submit" value="Subscribe" />
<table border="0">
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Follow Me On Twitter">
<img style="width:42px; height:42px;" src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Subscribe Via RSS">
<img style="width:42px; height:42px;" src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Find Us On Facebook">
<img style="width:42px; height:42px;" src="" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank" title="Add To Technorati">
<img style="width:42px; height:42px;" src="" /></a>
<a href=""><img src=";fg=FFFFFF&amp;anim=1" height="26" width="88" style="border:0; padding-top:5px" alt="Fellow Readers" /></a>
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
3. Note the links highlighted in green color. Just replace those links highlighted in green with the corresponding links you obtain from social networking sites - Twitter, Facebook, Technorati. Similarly, replace my Feedburner URL with your feed URL. Replacing links are self-explanatory.
4. When it comes to the links highlighted in blue, those associated with the Feedburner forms, please obtain the code from your Feedburner email subscription form. To do so, hit the following link - Feedburner, burn your blog's post feed and obtain the code for your form by navigating to "Publicize >> Email Subscriptions" page from the Feedburner dashboard. 
5. The code for your Feedburner chicklet can also be obtained in the same page - just hit the FeedCount tab and customize the appearance of your chicklet. Replace the text in pink with your twitter username for the twittercounter. 
6. Save your widget by hitting the "Save" tab at the bottom right after these modifications and your subscription box is ready.

I hope you enjoyed this widget. If you have any problems in installing this widget on your blog, then let me know via comments or email and I will help you solve your problems. I have received few requests like the slider for the featured content, background color for the links appearing in the post and so on. To all those who requested these modifications, please wait. Once I find the coding for your customizations, I will post an article on the same.

Shoutmeloud Thesis Theme Customization - Part 2

It's been few weeks since the launch of shoutmeloud thesis theme. I received few complaints regarding the template. One of my readers pointed that the Facebook share buttons on the homepage do not share the post - meaning to say, it shares the blog URL instead of the post URL. So, the bug has been fixed and its tutorial along with the customization of navigation bars are explained in this post.

Let me first tell you how to solve the Facebook Share Button issue.
1. Navigate to "Design->Edit HTML" from your blogger dashboard. Make a backup of your template before modifying the HTML by clicking on the "Download full template" link at the top of the page.
2. Expand your template. To do so, ensure that you have a tick mark on the box next to the line that says 'Expand Widget Templates". Now, search for the following block of code in your template.
<div class='facebook-share'>
<script>var fbShare =
size: "small",
google_analytics: "true"
<script src=''/>
3. Replace the above block of code with the following block of code.
<div class='facebook-share'>
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' href='' name='fb_share' type='button_count'>Share</a><script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
4. That's it, the bug is solved!!! Save your template.

Next, we move on to the customization with the navigation bars. The template has two navigation bars. One above the header and one below it. To those who do not know what navigation bars are, just take a look at the following picture for better understanding. To customize these two bars and add a google adsense link unit, we just need to replace/add few lines of code. So, let's start the customization...
1. Navigate to "Design->Edit HTML" from your blogger dashboard. Make a backup of your template before modifying the HTML by clicking on the "Download full template" link at the top of the page.
2. Look out for the following piece of code. Note the links highlighted in green and the corresponding names highlighted in blue.
<ul id='secnav'>
<li><a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl'>Home</a></li>
<li><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank'>Advertise</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Make Money Online</a>
<ul class='children'>
<li><a href='#'>Via Blogging</a></li>
<li><a href='#'>Join Us</a>
<ul class='children'>
<li><a href='#'>Write For Us</a></li>
<li><a href=''>Download This Theme</a></li>
3. Just replace all the highlighted links in green with the links you wish to point out. This is self explanatory. Also, replace the names highlighted in blue with the names you wish to have. 
4. Repeat the above two steps for the bottom navigation bar too. The coding for the bottom navigation bar is as follows - links are highlighted in green and names are highlighted in blue (similar to the coding in step 2).
<ul id='subnav'><li>
<a href='#'>Label One</a>
<a href='#'>Label Two</a>
<a href='#'>Label Three</a>
5. Next, you need to create a Google Adsense Link Unit of the following dimensions - 728x15. Obtain the coding for the same. 
6. Search for the following line in your template. Use CTRL+F to fasten your search results.
<div id='adnav'>
7. Erase the following block of code that lies just below the line you searched in step 6 and save your template.
<script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client = "pub-5551438321907005";
google_ad_host = "pub-1556223355139109";
/* 728x15, created 10/3/10 */
google_ad_slot = "2535927729";
google_ad_width = 728;
google_ad_height = 15;
<script type="text/javascript"
8. Go to the following link - SimpleCode. Paste the coding you obtained from the Adsense unit on the first block and hit the "Process" tab. You will find the processed code the block below. Leaving the two tags at the top and at the bottom (that is, <code> and </code> tags), paste the remaining code, that lies in between them, just after the line you searched in step 6. (Note: Ensure that there are not break tags at the end of each line after you process the coding on SimpleCode site.)
9. Now, save your template. That's it!

I hope you enjoyed this customization. If you have any other issues regarding the template, then feel free to leave your comments below and we will address it in our upcoming posts. So, don't forget to subscribe to our blog. We have lots more interesting articles coming up!!!

Shoutmeloud Thesis Theme Customization - Part 1

I'm happy with the feed-backs for the shoutmeloud thesis theme. If you had missed the template, then I highly recommend you to check out this article - Shoutmeloud Thesis Theme For Blogger. Though I received a lesser number of comments for the article, the response via email was tremendous. Many people raised questions about the footer. So, this issue has been addressed in this article.

If you wish to have an exact thesis footer (non-widgetized version) then, you can check out this article - Thesis Theme Footer For Blogger/Blogspot Blogs. (Note: I use the non-widgetized version because it looks exactly the same as found on shoutmeloud blog.) If you want the widgetized version which comes by default with the template, just add the widgets of your choice by hitting the "Add a Gadget" button on the "Design>>Page Elements" page.

However, when it comes to the "Blog Categories" section, you need to manually alter the footer section. This article will provide you a step by step guide for doing the same. If you are not clear about what section of the footer I'm talking about, just check the following picture.
So, follow these instructions to have a "Blog Categories" Section of your choice.

01. Go to "Design->Edit HTML. Make a backup of your template before modifying the HTML by clicking on the "Download full template" link at the top of the page.
02. Once the backup is made, search for the following line in your template. Use "CTRL+F" to fasten your search results.
<li class='cat-item cat-item-68'>
<a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Blogger Tutorials'>Blogger Tutorials</a>
03. You will find the links that point to my labels. So, it is pretty clear that these labels (categories) should point to your blog labels. To do so, first remove all the links that point to my blog.
04. To remove the links that point to my blog, you need to remove the following codes highlighted in GREEN.
<li class='cat-item cat-item-68'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Blogger Tutorials'>Blogger Tutorials</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-387'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Blogger Widgets'>Blogger Widgets</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-874'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Blogging'>Blogging</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-34'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Blogging Tips'>Blogging Tips</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-307'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Design Tips'>Design Tips</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-2555'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Free Premium Blogger Templates'>Premium Templates</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-215'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Make Money By Blogging'>Money By Blogging</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-77'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Make Money Online'>Make Money Online</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-64'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Most Downloaded Templates'>Most Downloaded</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-196'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Our Reviews'>Our Reviews</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-39'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='SEO'>SEO</a>
<li class='cat-item cat-item-9'><a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Tips and Tricks'>Tips and Tricks</a>
05. You may save your template temporarily. Next, you need to find the links for your labels. To obtain the URL of the various labels in your blog, just hover your mouse over a published post which has got some labels. Check out the following picture for better understanding. 
Alternate method : To get the URL of your labels, just paste your blog URL followed by a '/search/label/' and write down the blog label as such. Note: If you have a space in the name of your labels, then each space should be replaced by %20. For example, let us assume that your blog label is BLOGGER TUTORIAL - has got a space between the word BLOGGER and TUTORIAL. So, the URL of your label should be as follows.
06. Now, replace these links with the links you removed in step 4. Add a suitable name to your label as well (Replace those names highlighted in blue in step 4 with your label name). If you are not clear with the instructions I said, just take a look at the example below - your coding should be as follows.

<a href='' shape='rect' target='_blank' title='Blogger Tutorials'>Blogger Tutorials</a>
07. Well, save your template now. Next, you need to design a footer logo with the following dimensions - 166x120 pixels. (Note: The logo should have a transparent background or should match the background color of the footer.) You can contact me via email or hit the services page if you need a footer logo - design charges ($5.00). 
08. Upload your logo to a website such as PICASA and get the URL for the logo you uploaded. Now, find the following link in your template (found in the CSS part of your template).
09. Replace this link with the URL of your logo (obtained after uploading your logo).
10. That's it!!! Save your template and have a look the footer.

I hope you enjoyed this customization. I will be posting more and more customizations for the shoutmeloud thesis theme in the upcoming weeks. I recommend you to subscribe to my blog so that you don't miss out any article. You can share your views about the post via comments. Your comments are always welcome!!!